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11 Fantasy Football Players You Should Stay The Hell Away From This Week To Preserve Your Title Hopes

It’s the week of your fantasy Super Bowl, and this is absolutely no time for getting cute or making unique lineup moves. Many owners put extra pressure on themselves in big game week and end up overthinking and overanalyzing… and blowing it. So simply keep the guys after the jump out of your lineup in Week 16, and otherwise operate as you normally would.


So, Tim Lincecum Looks Like Joseph Gordon-Levitt Now

Tim Lincecum got a haircut. Tim Lincecum now looks like Joseph Gordon-Levitt. It’s kind of weird.

NBAWeird But True

Amir Johnson Forfeits The Right To Talk To Girls For A Few Weeks In The Name Of Team Pride

Amir Johnson, you’re a team player. And you know what, you’ll probably do just fine in the lady department, on account of your $34 million contract and all. But you won’t do as well as you normally do, because that Raptors logo you have shaved into your head is scary and weird and is that a barcode under it?


Blake Griffin’s New Kia Commerical Might Be The Best One Yet

Future Blake Griffin has told young Blake Griffin to stop wearing jean shorts. He’s told him to work on his free throws. Now he’s back for more, advising as only future Blake Griffins could advise.

Media MonsterNBAVideo

Charles Barkley And Cardboard Cutouts Of The Dream Team Wish You A Merry Christmas

Maybe you’re not like me, and you don’t have such a soft spot for comedy bits where inanimate objects are treated like real people. If not, then I’m not sure what you’ll think of this Charles Barkley/Funny or Die collaboration. But if you do


Watching R.A. Dickey’s Knuckleball In Slow Motion Proves How Difficult It Is To Hit

You might not think hitting a knuckleball is all that difficult. After you watch this GIF of R.A. Dickey’s knuckleball, you will think otherwise. After the jump, of course.

Media MonsterNBANCAA Football

Johnny Manziel’s Courtside Seats For Mavs-Heat: A Late Contender For The Fakest Controversy Of 2012

I watched much of last night’s Mavs-Heat game with the sound off. It was nothing against any of the announcers; I was just doing other things and wanted to be able to keep tabs on the action without being totally sucked in. And in hindsight, I’m pretty satisfied with my decision, because it allowed me to miss a dumb development… until now.


Armless Ping Pong Player Is Amazing

This is Ibrahim Elhoseny, an Egyptian table tennis player who uses his foot to serve and his mouth to volley, during a match at the African Championships. This video’s been floating around since September, but was brought to our attention this morning — and we obviously had to share it. [Clip Nation]

NBATabloid Fodder

Kris Humphries Pretended To Piss On The Floor Of An NYC Club With A Bottle Of Patron Because He Couldn’t Take The Barrage Of Kanye Songs Anymore

It hadn’t been going well for Kris Humphries, what with the divorce and benching and all. But now he’s being tortured by Kanye songs at NYC clubs, and he’s had enough. Details, after the jump.


When You’re Kevin Durant, Shots Like These Go In

See, Kevin Durant is a talented basketball player. He understand physics and engineering and wind direction and angles and the properties of ball rotation. So when he threw this shot on top of the backboard and let it casually role into the hoop, it was all nothing more than a carefully devised plan. Because luck is for the feeble minded.

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